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Find your own “Iron Man”

I firmly believe that annual sales conferences are an ultimate tool to drive team engagement & alignment on business goals. A day well spent with all team members under one roof discussing the sales strategies gives you super rich dividends for many months of business & an unparalleled camaraderie.

I have attended amazingly charged-up sales conferences in my formative years wherein the leaders so clearly defined the opportunities and expectations that the entire business year delivery used to get safeguarded. In my current & last positions as a Team Leader I have also tried to get as much nitro-boost from sales conferences as possible. One of the tool that I have used consistently is getting an awe-inspiring guest speaker to talk to the larger team. Often times listening to someone from an absolutely unrelated field about the struggles & critical wins and what all transpired around them helps deliver a strong message for what all can be done in our routine sales & distribution business.

In our attempts to have a powerful speaker attend our regional conference in Aug’19 we ended up meeting the Iron Man of India himself!

Dr Kaustubh Radkar, the poster boy of Iron Man Triathlon in India, graced our regional conference as a key note speaker & talked to the region team on his secret ingredients that helps him be what he is & repeat the feat 20+ times!! A talk revolving around triathlon & his life but learning for all of us to implement in our work-personal life.

The caption of this blog-post is what has got etched in my memory for always….

After he concluded his talk, in an attempt to establish bridge with what he discussed and our professional lives I started my vote of thanks with “While none of us are going to be an Iron-Man in future, the learning are still relevant for all of us” – at this moment Dr Radkar jumped from his seat, came back to the stage & again took the mic :)

His words, Pure Gold, - Anyone can be an Iron Man, for me its triathlon, for someone else it can be another unbelievable athletic or physical endurance achievement | for you it can be super over-delivery of targets | when you do that you are an Iron-Man | So find out what is your Iron Man & then go all out to achieve it…

Make a BIGGG Goal – Go full steam after it – in the end you will be an Iron-Man finisher….

Motivated for life – Thank you Dr Radkar!

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