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Why should one hire a Runner???

Why should one hire a Runner??? 

1.    Discipline – An individual who puts his body to extreme endurance for months so as to cross finish line of an event few minutes before last years’ time, will definitely be the manager who reaches office the first and handles his outlook calendar the best

2.    Turbulent Market Conditions – An individual trained to go non-stop in excessive heat or punishing monsoon, on terrains with crazy elevations; even when his body is shouting obscenities at him, can definitely handle the curve balls of market forces and competition tactics to safeguard business in turbulent times

3.    Perseverance – Marathoners are hard coded to persevere. They run the last 10 Kms with their heart when body has already given up – Imagine the perseverance levels such individuals will bring to meeting rooms or long duration projects!

PS - but obvious – discussing not about a long distance professional runner {they are already with Adidas & Nike!} but the early morning runner-cum-day time corporate manager AND if basic job specs of education and experience are met!

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