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Showing posts from June, 2018

Things only Runners will understand ;)

Things only Runners will understand 1.     Vaseline is Important! Even more important than water! As I wrote only long distance runners will understand ;) 2.     A holiday must be planned only after checking Strava segments of the destination… 3.     Your running buddy knows about you as much as your spouse. In some cases even more! 4.     You are normal if the sight of a bad smelling port-a-potty brings smile to your face 5.     After 30 Kms the F word replaces commas in your sentences

Why should one hire a Runner???

Why should one hire a Runner???  1.     Discipline – An individual who puts his body to extreme endurance for months so as to cross finish line of an event few minutes before last years’ time, will definitely be the manager who reaches office the first and handles his outlook calendar the best 2.     Turbulent Market Conditions – An individual trained to go non-stop in excessive heat or punishing monsoon, on terrains with crazy elevations; even when his body is shouting obscenities at him, can definitely handle the curve balls of market forces and competition tactics to safeguard business in turbulent times 3.     Perseverance – Marathoners are hard coded to persevere. They run the last 10 Kms with their heart when body has already given up – Imagine the perseverance levels such individuals will bring to meeting rooms or long duration projects! PS - but obvious – discussing not about a long distance professional...

The Beauty {or the lack of it...} in DNF

The Beauty {or the lack of it} in DNF Both knees jammed… Intense vomit sensation… Bleeding chafed body… The GPS watch chirped 24 Kms complete… A KM more to go… A right turn shortly towards a ~600 mtr climb to Gandhi tekdi and back… & then to the finish line of the most grueling run of Mumbai…  The knees collapsed, body said NO, the mind became weak, heart didn’t cared – instead of taking the right turn I straight walked towards the finish line – Closing my painful BNP 25Kms Endurathon 2016 experience at 24.xx KMs… Almost back in senses and while traveling back to home, received a message on my running club’s WhatsApp group.. Names followed by timings of all the participants.. In the last line of the message –  Ashish Joshi – D.N.F. I have spent almost last 45 mins to come up with a line to describe that feeling… But mere words are not enough when you have actually let your own self down! Too ashamed in my own eyes… Why the hell did I missed...